Sunday, 26 February 2012

2012 - it's 2012!

Well, how have you all been keeping?
I don't have many regrets in my life, not many at all, but I do regret somewhat not keeping up to date with this my blog.
The new website has acted as the impetus to get moving again on here and I promise it won't be another 28months until I post another update!! Slack, moi?
There's probably too much to catch up on but will highlight a few events that I am keen to let you all know about:
Firstly the family is all well and growing at a far too alarming rate.
My dad died in October 2010 - I still miss him but can laugh and smile about him now
Business continues to grow and increase as I continually strive to improve both my photographic eye and the products I am creating.
The Gallery at Laurieston continues to be my hub and my 'important place'
I'm still in love with Galloway
I was pleased and proud to receive the Scottish Nature Photography Award 2010 (Natural Abstract) for my image Swirl - which you can see on this blog.
I held a very successful exhibition with long-time friend Hannah McAndrew at Gracefield Arts Centre Dumfries - this was a scary multi-disciplnary event whch was terribly well-received and took me out of my artistsic comfort zone.
I continue in my role as Director of Spring Fling, hailed as one of, if not the best, open studios event in the country.

There are other exciting developments and exciting images and stories I would like to share and will do so over the next few weeks.
But, until then, be good, take care and be nice to each other, we're only here once.
February 2012