Tuesday, 24 April 2012

The Season of Pollen and Stuff!

The year is hotting up and so is business. It never ceases to, thankfully, surprise me that what appears to be a scarily empty calendar can quickly and reassuringly fill up with events and going's on.
The downside to the year stretching and yawning itself  into action is the heightened threat of hay fever and, like clockwork, the scratchings, tiredness and discomfort predictably kick-in in mid-April. Its the birch tree pollen that does it for me - so I've just got to make do and mend and get on with it for about six or seven weks until it passes - I sound fairly phlegmatic but, truth be told, I do like to procure at least a modicum of sympathy for my ailment!!

What Flows
The year has seen me out and about capturing Galloway in her splendour with some examples of my efforts are on this blog - have a look through the new images section of my website for more, here.

I have also decided to create a facebook account for my business, here, this is an attempt to tidy things up and to make separate my ramblings and observations of life in general and my work. I hope this makes sense.
A Cross

On sunday I attended a VisitScotland event at the Catstrand in New Galloway to talk briefly to a number of bus tour operators from across the world who were visiting Galloway in order to investigate its potential as a destination for their Tour Companies. I was invited to attend as an unofficial advocate for the region and the arts. Actually, now I've written that down and thought about it it actually scares the pants off me!
Anyway, the Catstrand did a fine job in receiving the visitors and making them feel welcome while I added my idiosyncratic observations! The most important thing, I guess, is that the visitors apparently loved it and left with purchased items and smiles alongside their welcome packs - highlight for me was walking to the bus arm in arm with the elderly German representative, under our shared umbrella, while together singing 'Mein Hut Er Hat Drei Ecken'! Cool and incidentally the only German song I know.

I have also been a member of a small group instrumental in the setting up of a Collective of photographers here in Galloway, namely the Galloway Photographic Collective. We are a group of professional photographers whose aims include: increasing the standing of photography as an art-form, highlighting and broadcasting the glories of Galloway as a photographic and artistic destination and increasing the profile of ourselves and our work.
As you can imagine this is going to be a bit of a journey but we felt, in these financially straitened times, that together we might have more influence and more potential leverage in marketing and the promotion of our work - strength in numbers! See more of our aims and objectives and our work and meet the Collective: here.

Some Time


Everything Counts

OK, I think that enough for now.
I send some love to you and the hope that you are enjoying whatever it is you are doing and whoever it is you are doing it with.

With love
April 2012CE